Sunday, November 1, 2009

National Writing Gallery

The National Gallery of Writing, hosted by NCTE, now boasts 2,136 galleries and 19,395 submissions at this writing! The Gallery will be open for submissions at least through June 2010.
Have you started your gallery yet?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

National Day of Writing Observance

The East Columbus Family is looking for writing in the oddest spaces. Where did you find writing?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Take Part in the National Day on Writing

Take Part in the National Day on Writing

National Day of Writing: How Will We Participate?

“Everyone is a writer!” That’s the message behind NCTE’s National Day on Writing/National Gallery on Writing—a time to celebrate, promote, and explore the amazing variety of writing that all of us (parents, teachers, students, community members) do in our everyday lives (from blogs and emails to poems and memos and everything in between).

NCTE encourages all of us to get involved with this day in at least two ways:
First, become a part of the National Gallery of Writing
This online “virtual” gallery will post thousands of pieces of writing from writers across the nation. Any school or community group can sponsor a “room” in the gallery, adding submissions from their group, as long as someone serves as “curator.” And submissions can start pouring into the gallery in the next few months. The gallery will be officially opened to the public on October 20 (to correspond with the National Day), and will stay open until at least June 2010.
Second, sponsor events promoting writing on the National Day on Writing—in your school or community. You might host a writing marathon, a poetry slam, an inservice for parents—anything to demonstrate both the fun and the importance of writing.